Services at Grace Church
Sunday services are streamed via our YouTube channel at 10 am (usually with a few minutes prelude beginning at 9:55); services can also be viewed later in the archive of services.Weekly Services Sunday 8 am -Holy Eucharist with Sermon Sunday 10 am- Holy Eucharist with Music and Sermon Wednesday 10:00 am - Bible Study Wednesday 11 am- Saints and Prayers service Spanish Language Mass 1st Wednesday of the month 6pm El primer miércoles de cada mes, Grace Church lleva a cabo la misa en español. ¡Todos son bienvenidos a reunirse con nosotros para la misa y una cena comunitaria después! The first Wednesday of every month, Grace Church holds the mass in Spanish. All are welcome to join us for the mass and a community meal afterwards! Christmas, Easter and other Special Services Christmas and Holy Week services are a high point of the Christian worship calendar. Here at Grace we have a Christmas Pageant on the Sunday before Christmas. In 2021 we will be offering a special "Living Nativity" on December 19 at 4pm. We also hold two candlelight services on Christmas Eve, one at 5:00pm intended for families with children and one at 8:45 that includes special music. Holy Week begins with a special procession on Palm Sunday, together with a reading of the Passion. We have services on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Eve (Easter Vigil), all at 7 pm. On Easter Sunday we celebrate at 8 and 10 am, with an Easter Egg hunt after the 10am service. We also celebrate certain special feast days, such as the feast of the Virgin of Guadalupe (Dec. 12), a Blessing of the Animals at Trevor Zoo on the Sunday afternoon nearest October 4, and a wonderful Blessing Our Sacred Places interfaith service held at Innisfree Garden each spring around Rogation Days (second Sunday in May). |