Stewardship 2025Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children, and walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Ephesians 5:1-2, NRSV
Dear friends, Walk in Love is the theme of this year's stewardship campaign. It is something I say every Sunday when I invite those present to make an offering to God and the church: “Walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself for us, an offering and sacrifice to God.” You can find it on page 376 of the Prayer Book, along with other suggested “offertory sentences.” The source behind it is Paul’s letter to the Ephesians (5:1-2). As I say “walk in love,” I am reminded of a Navaho or Diné phrase I learned some years back with our youth group on a summer mission trip to Bluff, Utah—“walk in beauty.” As the noted Navaho prayer begins: In beauty I walk With beauty before me I walk With beauty behind me I walk With beauty above me I walk With beauty around me I walk It has become beauty again This sense or longing for pervading beauty--hozho in Diné, a word that also connotes peace, harmony and balance—may remind you in turn of the famous Celtic prayer, St Patrick’s Breastplate, which invokes the strong name of the Trinity for protection but also prays for the constant presence of Christ: Christ be with me, Christ within me, Christ behind me, Christ before me, Christ beside me, Christ to win me, Christ to comfort and restore me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ in quiet, Christ in danger, Christ in hearts of all that love me, Christ in mouth of friend and stranger. I offer this braid of thoughts and prayers, of love and beauty and the presence of God in Christ, as a way of suggesting that giving to God and church should be motivated by gratitude for the love of God, the beauty of this earth, the abundance of our blessings, and a certain eagerness to share our own bounty with those who have little or none. This is what giving is all about, offering back a portion (a “sacrifice”) of what we have been given, of love, friendship, beauty, talent, time, and treasure. This is walking in love as Christ loved us. And thus we build beloved community. To walk in love is to build community because we don’t walk in love alone, we walk together (or else wander in circles lost in our head). Together we teach our children and learn from each other. Together we pool our individual offerings of time, talent and treasure. Together we make our shared legacy of buildings, fabrics, gardens and glass a church, a house of prayer for all people, a light in the darkness, a community of faith and love. That’s the way it works, together. With joy and a sense of shared responsibility and ownership. Together we make up and provide for Grace Church Millbrook, our beloved church home. I invite you then to join me in making a pledge for the support of Grace Church. A pledge card is included in this mailing, along with a letter from our Warden, Ron Mustello. You may also pledge online. Our annual stewardship campaign will conclude with a special blessing of our pledges on November 24, the last Sunday after Pentecost. Together then, as another offertory bidding suggests, “Let us with gladness present the offerings and oblations of our life and labor to the Lord.” In Christ’s name, Matt+ |
Join Us for Worship Follow the link below to see our service. The stream begins 10 minutes prior to the service start time.
If you are having trouble accessing the stream, please go to our Youtube Channel here. Children and Family ResourcesThe Resurrection Window at Grace becomes more vibrant as the day turns from daylight to evening. This magnificent window was the topic of a news article in the Times Union on March 11, 2024.
Welcome James Ruff, Director of Music
We are delighted to announce that James Ruff will be our new organist and Music Director. James is a skilled organist and pianist but his gifts as a singer and vocal teacher, and his mastery of the Gaelic harp, set him apart. James teaches voice at Vassar College and has for a number of years performed in a professional choir at St Mary’s the Virgin in Times Square, a church renowned for its magnificent music. Before that, James was the Music Director at Christ the King, Stone Ridge, working with the Rev. Alison Quin. His deep faith and love for the Anglican tradition in music and liturgy shapes his approach to worship. As you have noticed, there are always lovely flowers in vases behind the altar in church. Over the years, parishioners have chosen to give these altar flowers in remembrance or celebration of specific persons or occasions in their life. If you would like to participate in this deeply meaningful activity, contact me at [email protected] and I will send you the sign-up form. Your words of thanks or remembrance will then be included in the Sunday bulletin. If you wish, you can take one of the flower arrangements with you at the end of the worship service. We ask for a $50 contribution which helps offset the cost of the flowers. Our local florist charges $50 to deliver fresh cut or arranged flowers (she does not charge to arrange them). Thank you in advance for helping us adorn our church each week with lovely flowers. – Susan Quigley, Altar Guild Directress
Annual Meeting
On Sunday, January 19, 2025 we held our annual meeting in the Parish Hall. The report may be viewed on line at Annual Report Pancake Dinner
Shrove Tuesday, March 4 at 6:00 pm Free to all but donations Grace-fully accepted. Grace Parish Hall. SAVE THE DATE
SPRING RUMMAGE SALE April 4, 5, 6 Prayer Shawl Ministry
Would you like to join our prayer shawl ministry? The handmade shawls are specially blessed and made for people in need, as gifts of comfort and hope. Contact Katherine at [email protected] for more information including patterns. Quarterly Newsletter |