Women of Grace
The third Wednesday of each month you can find us in the parish house at 6:30 p.m., sharing a pot luck dinner that never fails to amaze us. Each brings something to share and each month the buffet table is overflowing with delicious soups, casseroles, salads, breads, wines and absolutely decadent desserts! As we sit around our table, conversations, stories and laughter fill the hall. New members are ways welcome and quickly become new friends.
Women of Grace, which we all refer to as WOG, is a group of women who worship at Grace either regularly or occasionally,and wish to join our group for fellowship and friendship and service to our parish as well as the wider community. As we meet monthly, we are building a network of support for each other and an opportunity to collectively pray and welcome God into our personal and group's life.
We usually move into work on our service project after dinner. Lately we have been decorating and filling boxes with personal toiletries for new clients at local substance abuse rehabilitation centers. We are also assisting with our parish's 'Welcome' initiative. Every December we bake and decorate Christmas cookies for our St. Nicholas Cookie Sale. Some members are exploring the idea of reading a book together with opportunities to discuss it. And sometimes we travel to meet with other churches' women's groups for interesting programs. As you can well imagine, we are a vibrant and busy group, always open to new ideas.
We close our evenings together at 8:15 with prayer and Compline.
If you would like more information about our group, please contact Lynda Boissey at 845-677-5174 or [email protected]. If you share your email with her, she'll be sure to add you to our ever growing contact list. That way you'll be sure to receive reminders about our upcoming monthly meetings.
Come and connect with WOG! We'd LOVE to have you join our friendly group.